Client Stories

School Bands Australia

Read about School Bands Australia's challenges and how Intrac provided streamlined administrative solutions

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Managing timetables across multiple locations of schools
Defining students by instruments and their band level
Billing parents and collecting fees
Assigning tutors to different schools on different days
Messaging parents and tutors
Searching for specific information on each client


A systemised and uniform approach to creating multiple locations
Easy enrolment of students based on our user-defined criteria
A foolproof payment system via a secure portal
Easy re-allocation of tutors based on day, time and/or location
Direct SMS or Email messaging based on various criteria
Customised reports based on the needs of our business


A system that gives full visibility on what's happening, at what time and where.
Allows admin and teaching staff the knowledge of each student and their needs
Hassle-free collection of fees
Reduced administration time in allocating teachers and changing timetables
Increased engagement with parents via communication channels
Reduced stress and time in understanding key components of the business
Intrac has been an invaluable partner in the growth of School Bands Australia. Intrac's innovative solutions have enabled us to grow our operations from three schools with 90 students to thirty schools with over 1500 students each week. Their timetabling software makes our scheduling processes simple, while their comprehensive database gives us 'one-touch' reporting. As a result, we've saved significant time and resources, allowing us to focus more on nurturing musical talent in primary schools. I highly recommend Intrac to any business that requires a time-based booking system.
Martin Davison
Founder & Director, School Bands Australia

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